Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Two positives and two negatives of a lit cangle arranged. The way they are, it makes the entire image seem to bulge in the middle and bend outwards.


A poster for Ghostbusters I bought at MoMA while in NYC

Soda Can Tower

The soda can tower I currently have against my wall. I also did a David Hockney-esque photomontage of this. It, however, was too large to scan.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Show your magic

something someone arranged in a window


Tom and Kaya eating some dumplings


Jesse walking on the fence by school


Black and White film shot of Jessie in the same tree


Another photomontage by David Hockney

Daivd Hockney

A photograph collage by David Hockney.

Jessie Wingo

Another shot of Jessie. This time, more casual and laid back.

Jessie Wingo

Jessie Wingo in a tree looking all model-ey and whatnot

Friday, April 2, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Iceland (Joe McNally)

Photo by Joe McNally. I dont know the technical name for these guys, but I know what they do. The flowing of the curtain and the freezing of the image gives it a sense of majesty and grandeur.

Beacon of Light (Joe McNally)

This is actually the beacon on top of the Empire State Building (Photo by Joe McNally). The angle and closeness to the beacon gives one a sense of how far up they really are.

X-4A7 (Joe McNally)

A beautiful shot of the Pegasus done by Joe McNally. I, for one, would do just about anything to see this wondrous piece of art. The night sky melds with the light coming from under the Pegasus to good effect.

Coast Guard (Joe McNally)

A photograph shot by Joe McNally. The water spray gives you a feeling of almost being in the photograph.

Ryan Adams (Danny Clinch)

Ryan Adams, shot by Danny Clinch. The rule of thirds is used to good effect here. There is a short-ish depth of field, as even his jacket pocket is out of focus. It keeps the eye on his face very nicely.

Niel Young (Danny Clinch)

Photo shot by Danny Clinch. Neils face is framed by the mirror and is not directly visible by the lens, which I find adds to the photograph well.

Tom Waits (Danny Clinch)

A photograph of the musician Tom Waits, by Danny Clinch. I think the setup of the stereos and Tom jumping portrays Tom's energy and eccentricity.

LeRoi Moores Funeral by Danny Clinch

LeRoi Moore's instrument ensemble (Photographed by Danny Clinch). LeRoi was the saxophonist for the Dave Mathews Band, which I happen to like.

Dave Grohl By Danny Clinch

Dave Grohl as done by Danny Clinch. In my opinion, Dave Grohl is awesome, and this portrays his awesomeness well.

Bono (By Danny Clinch)

This is a photo of Bono by Danny Clinch. I like how Bono is framed by the crowd's hands. Also, I find the sky quite appealing.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010




Brooke again. This time, it was a film shot, not a digital.

She's Been Framed!

A classmate framed by a matte board I found lying around the room

Train (Black and White)

If the image was rotated correctly, the bottom left right around the wheels is too dark.

Floppy Bear (Black and White)

We blew out the background and exposed for the bear so as to get a pure white background, as we did not have one.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Another pic of Brooke Hathaway. She is framed by a mat I fould lying around.


A black and white of Brooke Hathaway


A train toy from my childhood. It would spin around, whistle, and if you put oil in it, smoke would come out.

Floppy Bear

My first stuffed animal and teddy bear, Floppy Bear.

Friday, January 15, 2010


A fountain downtown. The shudder speed was low to allow for the sheet of water

Man's Best Friend

My dog's paw in my mothers.

You have beatiful handwriting

My friend, Brittney's hand as she writes for a class.

It's always sunny in Charlottesville

A decoration that hangs on a wall. the other half is a moon.

I'll Be Home for the Holidays

The wreath hanging on my front door.